Feeling to Heal


It’s been about a month since I’ve been on here! Most of that month has been piecing together thoughts throughout the business of routine, trying to be still, and taking little trips to let my soul breathe.



Healing from the loss of Michael has been one step forward, and two steps back. In order to heal, one must feel, and work through the intricate emotions of every corner of grief. It’s a battle moment by moment.

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and last Tuesday was World Suicide Prevention Day. This is heavy on my heart. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, there are over 129 suicides per day- and over 44,000 suicides annually. This leaves roughly a quarter of a million suicide loss survivors behind, with inexpressible heartbreak, irreversible grief, and damaged lives.

Suicide Statistics

Here’s what is on my heart today:

Why are we afraid of the dark? We are afraid of what is unseen. What is unknown. Afraid of being unsure of our footing, and for something to sneak up on us unexpectedly. Is it not the same in other areas of our lives? Where there is perfect love, there is no fear. Imagine if we were to make decisions, for ourselves and for others, based upon love instead of fear. I, for one, don’t want to continue to live being afraid of the dark anymore.

3 thoughts on “Feeling to Heal

  1. I can’t wait to read each of your posts, I feel so encouraged and challenged in my own walk. Dan and I continue to lift you in prayer. Love you! Debbie


  2. Kaylee, I have continued to pray for you during this journey. I can already see how God is using you to make a difference and to shed light on this darkness.

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