Living in Awareness

“Everytime I would say hello and shake his hand, it just seemed like he had it all together, and was the happiest guy. Now, I can’t help but wonder how many other hands I shake, and think that person is doing just fine, when they are struggling internally and covering it so well.”

Kaylee ocean               michael


This was the sentiment of one who Michael and I saw on a weekly basis. I am sure that so many of us can relate. I find myself often interacting with others, and wondering what they may be going through in that very moment.

I have begun getting into the habit of asking God daily who He will put in my path, so that I can be used by Him, big or small, to bring that person something that they need. Almost always, a very specific situation/person comes along. I of course have had many hard days myself, and pray frequently for God to bring me who I need to be surrounded by, or in conversation with. Several times, I almost instantly got a message, or call from someone who felt led to reach out 🙂

God wants to use us! I’m discovering how simple that can look- and the impact it can make. There is always some purpose that can come out of all of our pain, and we don’t need to let it to be wasted.

Mental Health America has estimated that 30-70% of those who committed suicide were suffering with depression. It is crucial to be aware of the possible implications of mental health, particularly if it is left untreated over time. It breaks my heart. Please consider this article discussing depression/suicide statistics, written by Psychotherapist Amy Morin.

Please feel free to reach out with your thoughts, experiences, and comments! So much love to you all

4 thoughts on “Living in Awareness

  1. I reread this post and feel convicted to pray like you shared, to be more intentional in seeing the encouragement I could give to, or receive from, those God brings in my path. I tend to move quickly through my days and too often just task driven. Thanks Kaylee for this sweet reminder.


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